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How to become a professional performer of a clarinet?

How to become a professional clarinet performer? In China, a total of eight Academy of Music, Central Conservatory of Music, Shanghai Conservatory of Music, Sichuan Conservatory of Music, Conservatory of Music, Xi'an Conservatory of Music, Shenyang Conservatory of Music, Tianjin Conservatory of Music,Xinghai Conservatory of Music, Conservatory of Music attached to the primary and secondary schools, in addition to these professional Conservatory of Music, the art Institute of provinces and cities, and art schools have a music professional, these professional schools each year to recruit a considerable number of professional talents, there isalso includes clarinet majors. General terms, the institute every year to recruit 2-4 students, High School Attached to an annual enrollment also 2-3, these institutions are training senior playing talent for our country. Course, candidates will not be like the general Grading or school, in addition to the children I have considerable musical talent, from small to receive formal musical education is very important. When the parents found that children in particular, preferences in music, and very talented, you must pay attention to the intention to cultivate, to dig out the children's musical cells. Addition to the conditions you want to learn piano, learning the clarinet by professional teachers to coach the various provinces and cities Symphony Orchestra, Song and Dance Ensemble of performers, mostly music Arts graduate, they can take on this important task.

The proportion accounted for by the clarinet in a military band or tube band a great number of relatively a part of a pipe band about a dozen or clarinet, and four in the symphony orchestra clarinet, therefore, learning the clarinet community demand number is larger. With the continuously good and high art, the symphony professional, with an unprecedented development, the country's famous Symphony for the country to recruit members. In addition, with the development of cultural exchanges between China and the world, the opportunity to study abroad, many of the best Chinese students after graduation are admitted to the world-famous symphony orchestra.
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