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Flute tips

For a flute player, is extremely important to master a very good tone. To blow beautiful tone, must have a correct shape of his mouth, a correct breathing and correct vibrato. The following three aspects of how the sound of the flute blowing strong, rounded, transparent and rigid.

A. Mouth and pronounce principle: the mouth of the flute should be was smiling like two lips should be evenly attached to the teeth, and then up and down evenly squeeze together. Both sides of the lips not too tight, slight control can be. Attention to the middle of the lips on both sides of the (vent) within the lips pressed together, so that the lips squeeze each other to make it out the overflow.

The correct method of playing flute hole flat, the air feel like a 90-degree angle blown into the hole, to be full of friction, the sound crisp, loud, clean, mellow. Flute to the head, too looked up, or bow will change the angle of the airflow. The upper and lower lips out overflow pressure of the lower lip, just cover the hole 1/2 (the lower lip is preferably not more than the blow hole 1/2). In play, the lips the middle of the pores should be like an olive, size is about 5-6 mm in length, can not exceed the length of the blow hole. When playing bass can be slightly larger. Bass needs more airflow out of pores on both sides should control. When playing treble tone and can not overflow to keep the focus on breath, gathered in the feeling of a point. The upper lip when playing beyond the lower lip, but not too much on the lips before and after, will directly change the airflow direction and angle (Figure 1, Figure 2). Particular attention to the outlet parts of the upper and lower lips, can not be compacted, should be allowed to flow unimpeded blow. Then the whole lip muscles in a squeezed state, should be forward slightly raised, so that the airflow is very concentrated blown flute hole.

Two. Correct use of breathing: 1. A good tone and breathing are closely linked, we must first grasp the correct breathing method. A correct breathing can sound full and complete phrases, vibrato amplitude larger volume contrast is increased, the music played a complete play an important role. A correct breathing method should be is the thoracic and abdominal breathing. This method has the largest gas storage capacity, but also has control of the abdominal muscles is the best performer breathing. But to really grasp the right to the chest and abdomen breathing, you must also master the correct essentials serious practice, so that you can use it freely. Usually people can not find gas inhalation the abdomen feeling, just know that inhaled into the lungs. There are three ways to practice: first put the body bent at 90 degrees, hands on waist, then slowly inhale. When the abdomen one week should expand outwards, so that the air is full of the chest and gas. This can impede airflow into the lungs. This repeated practice, you can find the abdomen to control the feeling of gas. Two. Body erect, feet apart, the distance does not exceed the width of the shoulder muscles to relax. The first airflow inhalation the abdomen, chest inhale and then further after the abdomen smoke filled, so that you can achieve the maximum gas storage capacity. Gas, smoke filled, the abdominal muscles have to control the contraction, slowly allow the air to the blow is very focused. At the same time his hands touched the abdomen, waist, so that makes it easier to find the feeling of abdominal muscle contraction and expansion. 3. Dog panting method. Open your mouth to inhale at the same time, rapid chest and abdomen of the air is full, then quickly exhale, to have explosive power, you need a rhythm exercises. The first slow practice, when the grasp of the essentials can gradually accelerate. Such exercises help strengthen the abdominal muscles, so as to achieve the purpose of freely control the breath. When people go to sleep, his breathing is thoracic, abdominal expansion and contraction. Also be supine exercise in bed, but always according to the following essentials: straight, body relaxed, hands on his hips, his mouth and nose and inhale slowly, so that the expansion of the abdomen and chest around to shore up the abdominal gas, to controlled. Hold your breath, smoke filled the air for a few seconds, then use the abdominal muscles to control slowly spit it out, to be repeated practice.

Three. The use of tremolo (amplitude vibrato): vibrato in the flute is crucial, it is used to express the emotional connotation of the song and plays the role of the performance of rich appeal. Like a singer to sing songs, such as the beautiful vibrato, you can not express the profound meaning of thoughts, and feelings of the song and music, also has a rich appeal, the same is true in playing musical instruments. There are a lot of vibrato, a vibrato frequency quickly, but the magnitude is small, it sounds like vibrato. The vibrato is no control, is mechanical, it is not pleasant, but also there is no appeal. The second is the magnitude is too large, the frequency of slow, its amplitude is almost a semitone, it sounds soft, not pleasant, there is no expression. I talk about the third vibrato. It is a controlled, very soft, contagious and enchanting vibrato. Must master the right to thoracic and abdominal breathing (above described). The vibrato principle of air-suction abdominal chest, the airflow has been blown out, and then the muscles of the abdomen rapid contraction of the flow fast compression blow. The resulting pulse, at which point the air flow is not interrupted, repeated pulse to form a wavy vibrato. Practice methods are as follows: First will suck the air full of chest, and then shore up the air a few seconds, then out slowly blow at the same time issued the "Ha .. Ha .. Ha .. Ha .." sounds. Hair "Ha" sound at the same time, the abdominal pleural pressure will be a lot of air flow out, but be careful to keep the air flow has been blown out, can not be interrupted. "Ha" sound just a pulse, to be repeated to practice. Be slow, and then gradually speed up. Step-by-step exercise: 1 Ha --- Ha --- Ha --- Ha --- 2 HaHa--- HaHa --- HaHa --- HaHa --- 3 HaHaHa --- HaHaHa --- HaHaHa --- HaHaHa --- 4 HaHaHaHa --- HaHaHaHa --- HaHaHaHa --- HaHaHaHa ---- 5 and then to link hair ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ---

Note: blowing as mind when thinking Kazakh side

Must use the abdominal muscles under control, rhythmic exercises. After two weeks of practice, it would be natural blow of vibrato. Specific play, to your feelings and vibrato together, so as to make the connotation of music and emotional expression to head. Blow vibrato effect is like the waves smooth, not angular. "Sound itself is very soft, when playing a long tone, with a soft" spit "the beginning, the first light after ring ----- crescendo. Two blowing straight tone and vibrato, expression of the emotion of the song is better.

The flute of the wide range of high and flexible skills, soft sound, quiet, can play a bright and cheerful melodies, but also playing a melancholy melody, woodwind playing the most flexible one.
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