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"Organ" Organ "dialogue" concert will curtain

- The treasure of the National Grand Theatre, town homes: more than 3000 pieces of piano tube most cattle of the organ;

- Band Symphony flagship: the vanguard of fashion Symphony Band, Symphony Orchestra;

On the evening of 20 September 2012, the world's a rare, domestic first "king of instruments" and "Band flagship" passion in the National Concert Hall collision. Conductor Li Fang Fang will join his junior sister apprentice - beautiful pipe organ virtuoso sink where the show Ms. portrait of dedication Baroque music masters Bach masterpiece "d minor Toccata and Fugue", the contemporary American composer Maas Lanka "Fourth Symphony" , Chinese and foreign songs of the folk song "jasmine".

The pipe band played a man playing the organ and the dozens of people, common catalytic stirring "Hurricane", the first music on the stage of the National Grand Theater rare grand scene.

Organ and the Beijing Symphonic Band Valentine's affectionate dialogue, will give the audience the latest odd, the most intense visual and auditory impact Allows you to join me in looking forward to it!
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