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Sow the seeds of music - to explore the Austrian music education

Known as the "music town" reputation, the sky shines with the brilliant stars of world music history, it's sunny world-famous music hall, even more deeply infected in this country, from cities to the countryside everywhere can see people spontaneously organized the orchestra - it's in the air all the time not filled with enthusiasm and joy of music.

How music education? Where children learn in music class? With a strong curiosity, I visited the City of Vienna, Department of Education music education inspector Mr. Ferdinand.

Music Master origin, worked as a music teacher of Ferdinand, he served as inspector of music education has been three years. It can be said that music education in Austria is "walking on three legs: First, the compulsory education in music education; School of Music; three music societies. The three existing division of labor, their duties; and collaboration, mutual support. Among them, he was responsible for music education in the compulsory education, which is the basis of universal music education in Austria.

Austrians love music tradition, many parents send children to learn in children 3-4 years of age music. Kindergarten teacher will be some music elementary education for children, such as children to distinguish between the different voices in the daily life of the barking of dogs, birds, cars roar; teach them songs and do the movements with the beat; let them listen to some music, to distinguish joy and sadness. However, these do not belong to the scope of compulsory education.

Austria's compulsory music education for nine years, for children aged 6 to 15 years old, the task is to help students open the door into the music world, so that students recognize the music of life, the importance and significance of the social, and teach the appropriate expertise. After several years of music teaching, the students picked up the music to be able to sing, can be played, can dance; listening to concerts, watching an opera, can say lines, reached the goal of music education. This goal is easier said than done but difficult.

Austrian law, children over the age of six must receive music education syllabus also contains detailed rules on the target, such as requiring freshmen and sophomores in singing, to learn to correct posture, breathing, pronunciation, from the singing, relaxation; to practice synchronous and step-by-step chorus; exposure to different styles, different times, different cultures, geographical songs, learn a cappella, accompaniment, the dancers sing. Playing to master the basic beat, follow the beat of percussion instrument. In dancers learn basic movements and freedom of action, can with song dance. Third or fourth year students, on the one hand, continue to consolidate and deepen the already learned, on the other hand increase the synchronization and step-by-step concerts; increase improvisation; combination of classic dance moves of popular classic introduced different cultures; different times, different styles the music of different cultures is reviewed; combination of melody, the theme of the existing equipment, to carry out the word code and dance to create their own activities; use to learn the basics, analyze, and appreciate the works of the 20th century, different types of music.

Ferdinand said that the first four grades is an important period of the system of music education for children, not less than two hours a week. Austrian primary schools generally do not have a dedicated music teacher, there is no dedicated language teachers, arithmetic teacher, but a teacher to talk about all the courses. The benefit is that the teacher can speak the language lessons, geography lessons, other lessons, to insert the content of music education. Their vulnerability, not every teacher has the same musical background, teacher induction are trained, but there are differences is normal. This makes the quality of music education, to a certain extent depends on the level of the teacher.

Fifth grade to eighth grade students, the music syllabus of its music production and higher music appreciation and comprehension. The upper grades, students should understand the distinction of range, learn to use music software and microphones, to understand the basics of music production; grasp the principle of sound level and sound arrangement, and learn to chart the performance of the music; by listening to the works or to see the score, ability to grasp the theme of its manifestations; to represent as a basis for understanding the history of music, familiar with the repertoire of various musical styles of musicals, drama, ballet, opera, jazz, pop, songs, instrumental music, etc., to analyze music the characteristics of the consumer. Seventy-eight grade students should have to change the music into dance, music and other performing arts in the form of combining skills and interpretation of works of different styles; able to compare focus and characteristics of different periods of musical development; able to understand the musical expression of the information and content, the distinction between the impact of music on the audience; from music to interpret the relationship between composer and socio-cultural, political, religious, philosophical environment; comparative analysis of different interpretations of the same work, combined with their music practice and understanding to form their own aesthetic.

Ferdinand said the fifth grade, weekly, only a music lesson. The basic method of music education from practice to theory. Teachers often take students to go to a concert, opera, musicals, and so on. Eighth grade, students streaming into the technical school or vocational school, and basically no longer a music lesson. And another part went to grammar schools, they can choose between music lessons and art classes.

Overall, the purpose of music education in Austria is the love of music sown into the hearts of children. Universal knowledge of music, youth music literacy and music appreciation, appreciation of the enthusiasm of the audience, numerous concert halls, opera houses and music festivals, culture and form, "the song is also high, and all the" social atmosphere - Only in this way in order for the inheritance and development of traditional and modern music to create this party hot spot.
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