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Oboe - role in the symphony

Tone: very clear sound of the oboe in the symphony orchestra in the beginning of each concert, the oboe plays an important role: he played a long, high-pitched tone. A tone is played, the other musicians must start concerto, and ensure that their instrument alignment. This means that they instrument sound must be a perfect combination of oboe tone. Must not become the treble or bass part.

The orchestra sound adjustment is easy to identify: all musical instrument played almost the same tone, and perhaps also some other rules of when to begin and end. It is like a bird in a cage!

A sound of the oboe hand wrong, what would happen? Will not the: Oboe hand will use the tuning fork to ensure that the A sound correct.

Tuning fork like a queen with two teeth fork; not used to plug the potatoes. Use it to knock the hard things (even your head or knees, if you feel strong!) Caused by vibration. And then put in your ear to listen to: send the perfect A sound. A tuning fork is never out of tune, oboe hand can count on it.

Once the oboe and orchestra and oboe match - music can begin to match the tuning fork, ......

Music: orchestral works, oboe longer than that solo. Mainly her voice:

1) sad

2) energetic

He plays a long melody, her voice is expressive. As if the listener magic: he sound sad, you will feel sad. Will be true of other instruments, but Oboe particularly.

When it is full of power, it is like a wizard, light running play.
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